Friday, December 31, 2010

40 Something Cruiseline

2010: A Year in Pictures

The traditional slide show summarizing the year ... People, places and moments that make me say that 2010 was not so bad in the end. You can click to enlarge, if you fancy.


U.S. Soccer Miami


ElkY and Ludovic Lacay Deauville


Rude awakening in Dublin the day after my elimination from the European Deepstack

Las Vegas - London


A small turning circle in Berlin, that's done

relaxation Final Table at EPT Snowfest


EFA San Remo, fresh Liv Boeree

Portofino (Italy)

Monte Carlo my last EPT Live


WPT Paris: Gabriel Nassif's mantra

Rediscovery of Vegas through the eyes of Harper

Red Rock Canyon


The World Series of Poker

Tom Dwan shakes the world high-stakes

Eighth Bracelet for Phil Ivey

The bench press


Road Trip

Grand Canyon

Monument Valley

Arches National Park

Bryce Canyon


Phish at the Greek Theater in Berkeley



Muse at Wembley Stadium

Winamax Poker Open in Dublin

Last hand of the WSOP-E: victory by James Edge


EPT London with Thomas Bichon

Halloween in Atlantic City with Pauly


New York

supporters Vanessa Selbst in the final of the Partouche Poker Tour


Roberto Romanello wins moved to Prague

New York after the blizzard

Madison Square Garden


Alarm Glasgow: Harper
Bank Job Berlin BamS
Monte Carlo / EPT Live: Neil Stoddart
WSOP Bench Press: Berkeley Paco
Phish: Phish
Winamax Poker Open in Dublin: Paco
EPT London: Eric Ramsey / PokerNews
Roberto Romanello / Prague: Harper

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hiv Test Negative After 13 Months

Phishin Gone 'Merry

If all goes well, somewhere during the day Tuesday, I landed in the United States. History to finish the year on a festive note, with four concerts by Phish chained in five nights. Yes, I know, it's much, but to be honest I had originally planned to attend five shows in total. The storm that struck the northeast coast of the States and hundreds of flight Cancelled ensuing forced me to postpone my departure for a day. And in fact, at the time I write this, I'm still not sure that my plans will proceed as planned. In an hour, I'll put myself en route to Brussels airport, and pray for a miracle, or rather a succession of miracles. It must first my flight to New York is maintained by American Airlines, which is not certain. (11:42 EDIT: Bingo! What crap. See below) Although the blizzard seems to have dissipated in these situations the air traffic is still a few days to get back to normal, and flights may be canceled as a precaution, lack of crew, equipment, etc.. Then it must be flight hour, another challenge, this for the same reasons. After once crossed the Atlantic, it is necessary that the queue at immigration counter is not too long, there are taxis available, the snow on the road is cleared, and that there is not too much traffic to get up to Manhattan. The simultaneous realization of all these events seem as complicated as the chain reaction that led to the emergence of the first living molecule on the planet Earth, but now admit be my lucky day, if all goes well, I will arrive early afternoon at the intersection of Columbus and 82nd Street. I'll meet him at the counter Pauly a car rental agency. We will then wait for an afternoon of driving north-east, and if the road is clear and mild traffic, we arrive early evening in Worcester, shitty little village situated forty terminals in Boston, and time hour for the concert, the second of the "Holliday Run annual Phish. We have already asleep and missed the first show, taking place right now, I'm sobbing listen via streaming Live rotten quality established by a fan using his iPhone. After the next day, back in New York and head for the legendary Madison Square Garden for three nights in a row, and enter 2011 with a smile.

I saw Phish thirteen times in fourteen months. At this point, even the most forgiving my readers must be wondering what pushes me to go see this band again and again across the world, spending a significant portion of my disposable income and my paid vacation. Rather than laying a new pavement to try to explain everything there is to magic, sorcery, generous in music and the live performances of Phish, otherwise we will proceed with a compilation made by me that I invite you to download by clicking on the link below:

Phish for Dummies

No easy to present a group as rich in only 90 minutes. Phish is not a group "tube" which can be summarized into a dozen songs. 25-year career, they played on stage more than 800 different songs, original or not. Only during the 13 concerts that I attended, I heard 178 unique compositions! (I assure you, I'm not crazy enough for fun calculating that statistic myself, there is a site that does it for you, a sort of Hendon Mob Concert Phish). And the songs I've heard several times, each time it was a different experience.

short, consider this compilation ( live, of course) as an introduction, a bait, a gateway to the universe of the group, but not a true picture. Instead, it is just a selection of songs available, easy to listen and to love. While the heart of Phish, what are their bravura of twenty or thirty minutes, these lengthy compositions complicated with endless solos to the delight of fans but unlistenable for the neophyte. This is a jam band , after all, not a pop training. (I still put the 13-minute Slave to the Traffic Light, because it is the favorite piece of Pauly, and just a very, very beautiful piece of music). I have included several times, after all, Phish is considered the best cover band of America is the only thing they can do well, say the malicious gossips. There Roses are Free by Ween, Good Times, Bad Times , perfect imitation Led Zep, Thus Spake Zarathustra (a classic found among others in 2001 Kubrick's who is always a great time to live), and especially Cities , Talking Heads, arguably the best Remember my thirteen concerts unforgettable.

Another way to discover Phish would look Bittersweet Motel , the documentary that has devoted Todd Phillips (yes, the director of Hangover ) in 1998, and playable online for free on Google video (below ). More interesting than the average rock Docus, this film presents a rather accurate picture of the group, his music and his world. You see them on stage and off, we meet their fans at the very specific mentality, the images move and we can understand why gradually the rooms are full every night despite the lack of promotion on MTV, very few TV passages, and no hit single.

course, only by seeing Phish on stage, visually, we will truly be converted. But despite persistent rumors, there was still no mention of a tour in Europe, they are not coming here for twelve years. That's why I will now go to the airport, and pray very hard to make my flight appears on large monitors in the lobby.

EDIT Tuesday 11:42: Immediately after crossing the sliding doors of the hall of Zaventem, I knew it was screwed. Immediately after entry, the counter sales of American Airlines, with a queue as long as your arm that faces sad, serious, depressed, already resigned to damn vacation or returning home again repulsed. This could only mean one thing ... Quick glance at the departures board ... Yep, canceled flight. I took my troubles patiently in the queue was endless as the options relief offered to the passengers were all terrible, and everyone was trying to negotiate a better solution, "you're no better than in four days to my departure?" Came to my turn, I did the same thing, of course. I was offered a direct flight to NYC ... January 1. Needless to say after the battle. I explain that I am ready to fly to any European capital to any city within five hours of jalopy to the Big Apple. New proposition: a flight connections to Boston, 30. Arrived very late at night. It only remains for me now more than two concerts. Not terrible, I still prefer to cancel. I insist, there's really nothing today, so I'm a big smile, then, that way you'll find me something, huh, say, go? The girl continues to pound on his computer ... And I finally found the flight that will - perhaps - to save my vacation, but it will be at the cost of a trip ending. Take off from Brussels at 12:45. Arriving in London at 13:05 local time. Three half hours later, off to ... Chicago, where I arrive at 19.20 local time. Again, three hours of waiting, then a flight to Boston, where I arrive Wednesday at 1:30 in the morning, if all goes well. Here I am left to myself, five hours from New York jalopy. I will probably go to the hotel, before boarding a train at dawn. In short, assuming that I am finished with the bad-air beats, I arrive at their destination in about thirty hours. It's better than nothing. As a bonus, I will go through the security check for each of these three flights, and I have already sounded the gantry during the first audit. I think it is the button of my jeans. So I have two body searches at the crotch that await me within 24 hours. Owl. That said, I actually planned the coup, taking a bottle of Valium full.

EDIT Wednesday, 5:32 p.m., New York time : I eventually get there. It was not that difficult. Just a little long. All my planes were on time. During the eight hours of flight London-Chicago, I only sleep - but very badly, I woke up every twenty minutes and finally exiting the plane with cervical pureed. Still, I'm snoozing dry in the third and final plane, and was able to fall apart in a hotel room in downtown Boston at about three o'clock in the morning. At dawn, I was at Central Station. SNCF U.S. is more effective than what I had suggested, the train drove smoothly for four hours through this gigantic suburb that is the northeastern United States, and early in the afternoon, Manhattan aparaissait in all its glory. Here I installed the eleventh floor of an old-fashioned but very comfortable hotel - the room is very large and offers a beautiful view of the United Nations building. I met Pauly. The holiday can begin. Quiet evening to begin. Tomorrow, the real fun begins with the first of three concerts at Madison Square Garden.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Best Natural Anti Perspirant


Wattignies 19 hours. Everything is ready, or almost. The last toast is being buttered in the kitchen. There is foie gras, of course, salmon, various appetizers: sausages, prunes with a small piece of bacon around, Cheez-Its of course, peanuts, and who knows what else. The capon is cooked for a long time, it will be heated and baked in a timely manner. There are a lot of dishes filled with various vegetables all sauces, roast beef, so I think, but I'm not sure, is not I who do the cooking. In the dining room, the Christmas tree weighed down with ornaments made its appearance a few days ago, and his feet of space was gradually filled with presents, most wrapped in newsprint, because any so, why bother with a paper gift class that will be torn and thrown on the ground in Within a few seconds? The coffee table was pushed to make room. It took a dinner table to add to that already, in fact the plastic table in the garden, but covered with the red sheet of paper, it shows that fire. Around the plates, knives, forks, crystal glasses, there are various decorations, gray gray cute as can be, Father Christmas, miniature deer, miniature miniature silver metallic garlands, and then a small box in front of each cover with photo the person who will occupy. I will not lie to you telling you that I have actively participated in all these preparations. I confined myself to create the play-list for Christmas on the iPod, which, when connected to the mini-chain, will provide a background to quiet conversations. Nothing too complicated: the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Pogues, but a little too Phish, Aretha Franklin of course, the Stones, the Talking Heads, and if people want to dance, we can arrange.

Tonight we celebrate Christmas with the family of Papa. English clan. A few people, but it remains reasonable, fourteen people, just the close, his sister, her husband, her two daughters, their husbands, their four kids, and my mother and my brother, of course. We think of Grandma, who was absent for six Christmases. At the same time in Barcelona Madrid and the south of France, lots of cousins that I have never seen or will almost do the same. Tomorrow we begin again with the family of Mom, the Franco-French, always at home, almost as many people. I'm lucky: the years pass, but the days of Christmas remained roughly the same for twenty-five years. That is to say something good, decidedly good, that I always look forward to. A brief respite, a temporary bubble of comfort before returning to the front, to real life and real hassle. When the children of my cousins open their gifts and shouting, I'm back there are fifteen, twenty years ago when I was in their shoes, gifts are not quite the same, but the scene is identical. The cycle repeats itself, it's nice. They are important to me, these traditions. When all around us, everything tends to go from bad to worse, it's nice to have a fixed anchor point, something soft and warm to what return each year, something that will make us as well, something that brings me back because it was still better before.

I'm lucky, because this is not the case for everyone. It is easy to forget, but for lots and lots of people, Christmas is a pain an old wound that reopens every year. There are those for whom Christmas is especially growing up with separated parents, where the meals gloomy picture is never complete, and can never again be. There are those who are grieving every Christmas, or we can only think of those who left and never returned. There are all those hundreds of thousands, even millions, who will spend Christmas Eve alone, so alone, forever alone, people mostly elderly, for whom the smile of launching the TV presenter blooper not warm the heart. They will receive no email, no SMS on their mobile Portable, which will remain hopelessly dumb. And I do not even talk about those for whom the main concern tonight is not to be cold. Christmas is that loneliness is the hardest to bear is at Christmas that the idea of happiness and its absence is most cruel to those who have not.

I'm lucky. My parents were not always happy, I'm not sure that they are today, because happiness is something so difficult, so fragile these days, it seems, the more one gets, the more it's complicated, but I am fortunate to have been raised in a home free from violence, physical as mental. My parents had limited means, but they spoiled me, physically as much as they could, and their affection was never dry, and does not dry up. There is so much money in the world, people around the world, and ultimately so little love. Often I get to feel alone, alone immensely grateful to my travels, I accumulate disappointments, regrets and disappointments, but deep down I know that at home, there's a little even many, of this love, it's there for me when I need it, I can come back as often as possible. I'm lucky.

What makes life worth living? The answer to this question is simple, so simple, but that does not an easy question either. Most of our problems are not complicated, they are just intractable, which is quite different. If you have something with you that makes you feel happy to be alive, be blessed. Maybe you remember, maybe not, basically it's not very serious. And if you're still looking, do not lose hope. I think of you tonight.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In My Doctor And Ejaculated

Christmas is the time to buy stuff (well more)

Among the ten items of the end of the year written yet because no time and no motivation and c'mon, let me go, I want to party tonight, not to pass a computer saw it's already noon as I'm typing on my keyboard, there is one that is rather urgent, because it will expire very quickly, it's Christmas shopping guide. So here, with some delay, the gifts that I offer this year around me, that I am already offered, which gives me that I would really like, quickly and without pretension, it is even links to Amazon (I touch anything on it), I started this article two weeks ago, now it's too late to deliver on time on Amazon, but who cares actually, this is not because Christmas will soon be behind us that we must go without eating cool stuff like the ones I offer here.

The Gift Poker

Made in Poker - Jules Pochy : I'm sure there are plenty of you who are in the same situation as me: in your family you are labeled as "the guy who plays poker." There is always a uncle to say that "it is fortunate that this game, right? . There is the cousin who asks you laughing if you know Patrick Bruel - me, I'm lucky in recent years, I can answer "yes, indeed I work for him, "which cuts short the sarcasm and leaves room for wide-eyed disbelief. And at Christmas, of course, sure enough, year after year ... We offer gifts "poker" because we said that, as much you like poker, you'll love the stool necessarily poked with a royal flush printed on the padding, the clock poker with a straight flush Royal on the dial, and the book of poker with two bullets found at Carrefour, if so, I've been there, and that shit cluttering up my garbage every morning of December 25. If you're in this situation, you sighed inwardly at the time of delivery of gifts, released a "thank you" polite, because we are still bound to say thank you, while saying that mess, is what offers cartons of cigarettes to lung cancer ? In short, this year I'll cross our fingers so that no one gives me the only gift "poker" I want one I have not managed to get free press service, although it is uncultivated fate, the box that will publish my translation of Lost Vegas (strip bastards!) Jules Pochy is an excellent photographer and videographer (which is good) and a type quite commendable in general (Which is even better). I met him three years ago, the WSOP 2007, when he had to start with Made In Poker Fabrice Soulier, I gave them a blow by writing a daily summary of world championships for their site still in its infancy ( The road was long!) It is now a book coming out Jules of the same name, a collection of his best shots taken on the professional circuit. Even for someone who begins to have the poker up the ass like me, it's just awesome. Photos of Jules are beautiful, and does not confine only to a portrait gallery of guys pulling the face at the poker table. No, these snapshots Vegas, Monte Carlo, London, Macau, and so there something else. Take for example the shots taken at the edge of Vegas, away from the Strip. In these pictures of the desert on the outskirts of the graveyard of neon faded, seedy casinos lowlands of North Vegas, there is despair, emptiness hidden, loss of sense in Sin City that only a watchful eye could capture accurately on film. And in the faces of the players at the table and seized outside, there are real emotions, a current that passes information that is passed with no word being spoken, making unnecessary the legend. A beautiful book, leave it lying on the coffee table, and tend to ask a question that you already heard a thousand times: "But what attracts you in poker? "Not necessarily something very pure, I'm afraid, but we must all live with our contradictions.


ENTER THE VOID - Gaspar Noe : Attention big slap in the mouth, powerful, leaving marks. Occasionally, not often, a filmmaker we offer a complete work, a personal vision, something that comes out of the ordinary, which takes you through tripe from the generic intro and leave you unable to breathe, until the last breath in pictures. The latest film by Gaspard Noe is this race here. A reflection on death, the effect it has on people around you, with drugs as a vehicle. No need to take to soar to Enter the Void: the bad trip is inevitable, and exquisitely painful. When the first scene, the hero - filmed with a subjective camera and we never quit, we never will (almost) the entire film - hallucinogenic smokes, it takes off with him, fractals invade the screen, time distorts, stretches, and there is already a prisoner, unable to press the pause button to go pee, the hypnosis session began. When a scene later, he is shot by police in Tokyo, it was bad for him, even after seeing tens of thousands die type film, this bullet here is painful, we feel that the hole piercing, and the life that escapes him. But the guy refuses to die, and then begins a terrifying journey. Almost three hours, somewhere between reality and beyond, shaking his head in all directions. It's very raw (it are plenty of hardcore scenes including one that you never, never seen elsewhere), it will not please everyone, many will even suck, the actors' performance is uneven, but what I did seen anything like it since, pfff, Fight Club? A disc

An introduction to Elliot Smith : Loss, loss, pain, failure, addiction, separation, maternal conflict, loneliness, depression: the songs of Elliot Smith speak than this. And if I tell you that the life of this tormented man highly ended at the age 34 years with two knives planted by him in the heart area, you will conclude that this compilation browsing decade career is far from the ideal soundtrack for a family Christmas cheerful and positive. And yet, though. It's been a while since I had not heard of pop music as simple, light and captivating. Could not resist: this disc will appeal to anyone who likes the Beatles, so to everyone. Especially recommended for those who do not go super well right now, but are convinced that one day near, it will get better, it was just a small drop in speed transient, have me a little smile, here, here, is better. What do you mean I'm talking about me? Tsk. A book

map and territory - Michel Houellebecq : It's a bit difficult to talk about books by Michel Houellebecq, who has just won a prize Goncourt ten years behind. Too close to me, too intimate. Explain why reading his first novel, the late high school, changed my life forever, it would reveal more about myself whether I have really wanted. For me, Houellebecq is a writer, but a master suggests, is a strong word but I see no other. And his books are not novels. They are much more than that decoding grid of the modern Western world, the voice of reason amid the surrounding mediocrity, and as I'm concerned, a literary form of therapy that made me the frustrations of the transition to the adulthood a little less painful. A reading which is spring turned dark but not completely hopeless. Houellebecq is merciless in his description of modern human relationships, but it still, thankfully, a small glimmer of hope when our species. And what is good writing. It sounds simple to write in as streamlined, but what it must be difficult. We will speak again in a hundred years of Houellebecq. Finally, although the literature still want to say something in a hundred years, which is far from certain, relative to the implosion of the capitalist system, melting ice and nuclear weapons that go well end up farting somewhere someday .

A comic

Notes - Boulet (5 volumes) : I would be hard to explain why I love comics Boulet. These are the only ones that I read since the end of Calvin & Hobbes and unspeakable. These Notes are in fact the compilation (or full?) Boards that Boulet publishes regularly on his blog . So, if you're stingy, no need to buy the paper version, you can just read the blog to the eye. But being a cheapskate, it's still a bit stupid, because it deprives a party of pleasure, that of touching the paper between your fingers. Rather die than put me to read a book about an iPad, it will happen to make me replace my hundreds of dusty old books, bulky and smelly old age for a Tablet PC to the con is not yet born. But I digress. Read Boulet, his chronicles real or fictitious, follow him in his travels around the world, its woes professional cartoonist, his observations about the world around it, bottom corner of the street at the bar at supermarket in the courtyard of the building, its universe populated by monsters friendly, animals talking funny and real people.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mastterbation Encouragment

A Gozar La Salsa Party Saturday, December 11

Come celebrate 15 years
From the association "A Gozar La Salsa "
Saturday, December 11
From 19h to 4h
Hall Papinière
44 - Suck on Erdre
Concert Grupo K-Fe
With Animation and demo
De Roberto Rodriguez and Laura
From the School Cultura Cubana

Virtual Men Haircut For Free

Salsa Night at the Crystal Questembert

Saturday 18 December
At the Disco The Crystal
A Questembert
Free entry
and open
From 22h to 1h
From 22h: Initiation Salsa
With Roberto Rodriguez
And then
Come dance
Rhythms Of Latinos
Cons: Price bar until midnight

Intitle:i -catcher Console - Web Monitor

Saturday, Dec. 18 Friday, December 17 Salsa Night "Ni Pa 'm having" to Lanester

Do missed
Friday, December 17
Great Salsa Night
Hosted by Roberto Rodriguez
From the School Cultura Cubana
From 22h to 1h

At the Disco "The Ni Pa 'm having"
1 Bis, Rue Gustave Zédé
(across from Mega CGR)
Free admission and open to all
So come!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Primary Sectors In Brazil

Christmas Party Saturday, December 4 with Sals 'Alegria