Friday, November 14, 2008

Can I Jack Off With A Uti


There are more and more people who visit this blog (even if I have time, just eased off, I apologize). It makes me very happy.
Especially as some leave comments very encouraging, and do not hesitate to lend their knowledge to my comments. It is the goal. I am far from rocket science, and I'm glad they are there to accompany me as and when I discovered this country.

Yet some may have deposited a message that I have not published on the site. I was forced to make such "censorship" because the authors had left their email in the message so that I contacted.
On this blog site, I can not edit comments, and I could not remove their email ... This is advice to all: Never leave your email and a forum or in the comments of a blog. It is visible to all, and "Robots" review the sites around the world looking for such places to collect them into lists that they then sell to spammers and other undesirables.

That said, this has highlighted the fact that I have nothing left ui allows you to easily contact me so private ...
The error is corrected, I created a special address:
If you have comments, questions or comments you want to remain "private", send them to me at this address.

careful though, I try to answer all, if you aidiez me a bit. For pity's sake, avoid the questions too vague, give as much detail so I can tell you whether or not I can help you. Such
mail (I have already received some similar):

"I'm looking to settle in Thailand.
What do you recommend?
Thank you.

elicits I share an answer:
"It depends.


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