Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cubase 5 Dongle Emulation Mac

can not be good everywhere

few of you still unaware, Thailand offers a refined cuisine and ... where the rub, though, is when it comes to dessert.
So there's nobody there. Forgot balanced flavors of Thai basil and mint, crispy fritters and the flux of the Pad Thai.

A dessert here, it looks like this:

Yes: Damn!
Then the two questions we ask ourselves when we see it are:
  • What is this thing??
  • How can they commit such a disaster.
The answer to the first question provides little solace. This dessert, that most Thai welcome with a small exclamation of joy (yes) is essentially composed of crushed ice, drizzled with a syrup neon pink, called "Sala" and has nothing to do with the Grenadines, but is closer to the Josacine our tender years.
Thereupon, for good measure, they added red beans have been cooked in sweet coconut milk.
The result is a super dessert sweet, chemical taste, texture evoking the fresh snow and not ... er ... brief. Not great.

What is more interesting is to find out why such good cooks can miss as much for the desserts ... and even why good desserts are so rare across Asia (as it is not an isolated case ...).
I first went around on the internet to find the origins of "our" bakery, the one with creams, mousses, cookies and other flavors (you'll understand) I miss a bit.
The pastry as we al know it is fairly recent. Sweets of antiquity and Middle Ages were quite rudimentary. It makes the development of trade and colonies, which opened a huge construction site of culinary possibilities. While
found in Europe in the 17th good weather, allowing the cultivation of wheat and dairy work in cream and butter without too many health risks, the development of trade with India and the Americas adds many great ingredients to mix spices, coffee, chocolate, sugar cane, vanilla ... Ingredients scattered around the world and concentrated to a single point.
Both the situation is conducive to the creation of pastry in Europe, as it remains, at the time, too complicated and exotic tropical climates.

technological advances to practice this art anywhere too late. Asian cuisine has focused on the hot and salty. Leaving the great sweet fresh fruit found there in abundance.
What seems a little more support my theory, is the fact that Asian cuisines offering the finest desserts are those Japan, Korea and northern China. Regions with temperate climates much more ...

The additional misfortune for Thailand is that the advent of refrigeration means has been accompanied by American troops came to use the country as a base to fight against communism. Thus, the birthday cake here will most likely be an American ... Thematic, colorful, but bland and horribly sweet.

Fortunately ...

ago Thousands of delicious fruits.

There are still plenty that I've not yet spoken. Come Grenada, for example. Who has the delicious smell of our grenadine (who among us has been recreated by a skillful blend of our red fruits) and the small acidic gooseberry.

There is a dessert that I would strongly advise passengers. Typically Thai, and whose existence alone excuse any other heresy sweet ... Mango sticky rice.
Well, the name is not great, it is only the translation (and in any case, here the name of a dish, is his description).
is the perfect balance between the flux of mango, rice firmness and crispness of small nuts, it's a game of contrasts in the warmth légèrment salty sauce with coconut milk and sweet freshness of fruit.
In fact, a delight that one does not tire ... and found in almost every street corner for a ridiculous price.


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