Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is Healing Ringwormpink?

My name is Beer

One of the first difficulties encountered by teachers at the beginning of the year is the process of storing the names of students. The intellectual gymnastics is more difficult when teaching abroad, because names are often unknown.
In Thailand, this is especially true.

First, let us from the beginning.
Thais have a name and a surname, the latter being chosen by the parents. The choice of name is quite complex, because the main objective is "to bring good luck." Many here are very attentive to this kind of superstition, and rules for determining the "luck factor" of a name are very complex and their origins blurred.
Some letters are better than others, suffixes, prefixes and syllables without precise meaning, evoke happiness, money or happiness.
The names are manufactured by an assembly of his letters and words. It happens fairly regularly, so they are unique, or at least rare.

their side the names of families, mostly, was also produced in this way. Indeed, in Thailand, one can change his leisure name ... but also his family name. I had trouble finding an official confirmation, but what I said is that the procedure is more complicated than filling out a form and need not be justified as c is the case in France.
We can not choose any name, are proscribed names containing words relating to the royal family and all that is rude or insulting. That said, it leaves a lot of latitude.
confess that I have a little trouble imagining how governments are able to manage this puzzle ... Meanwhile, here safety, unemployment insurance etc. ... it is not.
This possible change of name so easily back to the time of King Rama VI who, to appease the tensions between the Thai and the huge Chinese community (established in Thailand for many generations), they were offered the opportunity to adopt Thai surnames.

The tendency is then to overbidding. We will stick as closely as possible syllables of good omen, history, where, to ensure a bit of luck.
An example is bone Olympic medalist Prapawadee Jaroenrattanatarakoon, which adopted this immense surname instead of "Junpim Kuntatean" just before the games. Although it has taken it seems.

The direct consequence of extending these names is that the Thai only use them for official documents. The rest of the time they use a nickname among friends, with family but also for industrial relations (the nickname is then simply associated with "Khun", meaning "Mr." or "Mrs.").
This also they change it. When they are small, it is given by the parents, but it may be a little embarrassing later (too young) so they will not hesitate to change it.
There are classics: "Nueng" means "A", is fairly regularly given to the first child. But these days, fashion is in English. Because it's cool.
I do not mean to give English names ... but to use English words that evoke something positive for the Thai.
The result can be quite surprising to see embarrassing or hilarious.
Some will then nicknamed "Boss," "Best" or "First" ... for fairly obvious reasons. There are also cute fictitious names: "Cookie," "Cartoon," "Pancake" ... and misfires: "Pee", "Beer", "Cutout" (??), "F-4" (???).

The palm rest for parents I have two twins in my class.

One is called "Play."
The other ...
... called "Pause"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Inexpensive Blank Silver Discs For Stamping

Move over where I put myself back

Bangkok is known for its chaotic traffic and congestion. Far from being usurped
, this reputation is, however, temper, especially in light of what we may encounter in some Mediterranean countries or even in some neighboring countries.

Most expatriates travel by public transport or taxi. It is more flexible, more practical, and generally cheaper.
But now, the car is a sign of social status extremely important here. As in France you say ... Maybe, but we do not play in the same court. When a Thai
got a job relatively well paid, it is expected to buy a car. It needs it or not has little importance.
My girlfriend must regularly explain to his colleagues that for now, it does not help, especially because it is faster and less expensive for her to take the Skytrain comfortable rather than burrow into the caps during peak hours.

The other drawback of the car, as in all cities, the parking lot. In Bangkok, however, the task is relatively easy for two reasons.
First, any building being built is designed with parking located in the first floors.
Second, even if the car proved a bit undersized (eg weekends in shopping malls), there is a habit that never ceases to amaze me.

The photo below illustrates perfectly the art of parking in effect here.

Yes, you've seen (including the bottom of the poto), we practice the triple line.

Such Situation in France will likely cause destructive frenzy:
"Get out of your car or mine before I released my bumper!"

None of this is happening here. It's a perfectly normal situation.
It turns out that the two lines of cars blocking the exit of those battles in gqrées are "mobile". People do not just shake the hand brake.

Arriving at his car, so he "just" push, one to one, the cars that block in order to reach a conclusion. All
gets stuck, parents, children, mothers, grandfathers, etc. ... It's a good opportunity to dredge: go spinning a helping hand to the pretty girl who tries to push a 4x4 gos perched on her high heels.

Because here, of course, we do not buy a Yaris or 207. "Too small, really not safe." They prefer large SUVs Chinese on board which it does not attach the belt.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sony Replacement Antenna


I'm back. After a month of silence, it is time to seize the initiative on this blog. I also apologize to the faithful for the little things they were able to put teeth into these last two months.
It happens that I got to a stage where the "discoveries" are becoming more scarce and more assimilation "inner" and therefore rather difficult to transcribe.
The storm has passed and cultural shocks I have not spent much in silence. Except maybe a few more negative shocks are inevitable (which culture could claim to perfection), but that does not correspond much to the tone of this blog and my desire to fight my grumpy French temperament.

worry, I decided to continue to support this blog, this time by attempting to pass phase is more explanatory and didactic than narrative. As I said before, the shocks are gone, but the understanding and assimilation are just beginning.

Soon, I try to help you (and thinking that this will require writing, to help myself) better understand the origins of certain traditions, practices, mindsets and habits ... and I'll try dusting a bit outdated advice found in guidebooks about attitudes to adopt in Thailand.

I also hope to avoid too much about the difficult political situation in which the country finds itself.
Events of April, I've experienced from France. And, as might be expected, were more than partial information. Quick to report the descent into violence ... but the next day unable to write a single line to say that everything was in order.
I will therefore, if necessary, to shed light on less sensationalist local news.

Finally, I will continue, and more frequently, to provide my "travel advisories". I even aggregating them into a printable pdf version is easy to take on vacation ... once the material is sufficient.

Good. I hope this program glad you and I promise to return very soon with articles, pictures and stories.