Monday, May 4, 2009

Sony Replacement Antenna


I'm back. After a month of silence, it is time to seize the initiative on this blog. I also apologize to the faithful for the little things they were able to put teeth into these last two months.
It happens that I got to a stage where the "discoveries" are becoming more scarce and more assimilation "inner" and therefore rather difficult to transcribe.
The storm has passed and cultural shocks I have not spent much in silence. Except maybe a few more negative shocks are inevitable (which culture could claim to perfection), but that does not correspond much to the tone of this blog and my desire to fight my grumpy French temperament.

worry, I decided to continue to support this blog, this time by attempting to pass phase is more explanatory and didactic than narrative. As I said before, the shocks are gone, but the understanding and assimilation are just beginning.

Soon, I try to help you (and thinking that this will require writing, to help myself) better understand the origins of certain traditions, practices, mindsets and habits ... and I'll try dusting a bit outdated advice found in guidebooks about attitudes to adopt in Thailand.

I also hope to avoid too much about the difficult political situation in which the country finds itself.
Events of April, I've experienced from France. And, as might be expected, were more than partial information. Quick to report the descent into violence ... but the next day unable to write a single line to say that everything was in order.
I will therefore, if necessary, to shed light on less sensationalist local news.

Finally, I will continue, and more frequently, to provide my "travel advisories". I even aggregating them into a printable pdf version is easy to take on vacation ... once the material is sufficient.

Good. I hope this program glad you and I promise to return very soon with articles, pictures and stories.


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