Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lady Doctor Check The Penis


I waited with great curiosity to spend Christmas in the land of white sand beaches and coconut palms ...

The balance, I give you now is that it is very difficult to feel the "spirit of Christmas here. It's quite logical too. The number of Thai Catholics can be counted on the fingers of one hand - even if we see them sometimes at major intersections, with signs and megaphones declaiming "Jesus died to save us" - which makes the feast enough anecdotal and artificial. A bit like Haloween home.

There are a few decorations around the department stores and hotels of downtown Bangkok ... But it is limited.

There are yet many onlookers who come there to see the illuminations, and of course because it is in Asia, will have their picture taken before.
On 24, I went shopping last minute (because, for me, it was really Christmas with fir, gifts and dinner to prepare) ... was, in stores, a day like any other.
Several asked me if I missed my family too much during these holidays. Well no more than another day, because here it's not really a special day.
In fact, the New Year that will be real opportunity for festivities. On occasion, the Thai exchange gifts, go to charities and finish by getting drunk heavily. The authorities expect this year a huge contingent of ambulances in anticipation of accidents caused by alcohol (I figure a little prevention would not hurt, but hey ...).

One of the most popular places in Bangkok for New Year's Eve is the esplanade of the "Central World." Every year from November to January, during the driest months and the least hot of the year, the major brands of beers install huge beer gardens, vying for their scenery and huge blow-decibel from their stage show.
Obviously, this is the place to wait for the 12 strokes of midnight, sipping a beer cool.
is probably what I'll do.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my faithful readers!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cubase 5 Dongle Emulation Mac

can not be good everywhere

few of you still unaware, Thailand offers a refined cuisine and ... where the rub, though, is when it comes to dessert.
So there's nobody there. Forgot balanced flavors of Thai basil and mint, crispy fritters and the flux of the Pad Thai.

A dessert here, it looks like this:

Yes: Damn!
Then the two questions we ask ourselves when we see it are:
  • What is this thing??
  • How can they commit such a disaster.
The answer to the first question provides little solace. This dessert, that most Thai welcome with a small exclamation of joy (yes) is essentially composed of crushed ice, drizzled with a syrup neon pink, called "Sala" and has nothing to do with the Grenadines, but is closer to the Josacine our tender years.
Thereupon, for good measure, they added red beans have been cooked in sweet coconut milk.
The result is a super dessert sweet, chemical taste, texture evoking the fresh snow and not ... er ... brief. Not great.

What is more interesting is to find out why such good cooks can miss as much for the desserts ... and even why good desserts are so rare across Asia (as it is not an isolated case ...).
I first went around on the internet to find the origins of "our" bakery, the one with creams, mousses, cookies and other flavors (you'll understand) I miss a bit.
The pastry as we al know it is fairly recent. Sweets of antiquity and Middle Ages were quite rudimentary. It makes the development of trade and colonies, which opened a huge construction site of culinary possibilities. While
found in Europe in the 17th good weather, allowing the cultivation of wheat and dairy work in cream and butter without too many health risks, the development of trade with India and the Americas adds many great ingredients to mix spices, coffee, chocolate, sugar cane, vanilla ... Ingredients scattered around the world and concentrated to a single point.
Both the situation is conducive to the creation of pastry in Europe, as it remains, at the time, too complicated and exotic tropical climates.

technological advances to practice this art anywhere too late. Asian cuisine has focused on the hot and salty. Leaving the great sweet fresh fruit found there in abundance.
What seems a little more support my theory, is the fact that Asian cuisines offering the finest desserts are those Japan, Korea and northern China. Regions with temperate climates much more ...

The additional misfortune for Thailand is that the advent of refrigeration means has been accompanied by American troops came to use the country as a base to fight against communism. Thus, the birthday cake here will most likely be an American ... Thematic, colorful, but bland and horribly sweet.

Fortunately ...

ago Thousands of delicious fruits.

There are still plenty that I've not yet spoken. Come Grenada, for example. Who has the delicious smell of our grenadine (who among us has been recreated by a skillful blend of our red fruits) and the small acidic gooseberry.

There is a dessert that I would strongly advise passengers. Typically Thai, and whose existence alone excuse any other heresy sweet ... Mango sticky rice.
Well, the name is not great, it is only the translation (and in any case, here the name of a dish, is his description).
is the perfect balance between the flux of mango, rice firmness and crispness of small nuts, it's a game of contrasts in the warmth légèrment salty sauce with coconut milk and sweet freshness of fruit.
In fact, a delight that one does not tire ... and found in almost every street corner for a ridiculous price.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Best Camcorder Under £400

Just for me ...

See here:
class right?

... Look no, I'm really good friends with Minnie.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sebaceous Cyst Removal Chicago

All for this ...

This afternoon, the Constitutional Court gave its verdict on the election fraud investigation conducted against the current ruling coalition.
As expected, she admitted the facts as true and therefore has dissolve the 3 parties involved and, therefore, dismissed most members of government including the Prime Minister.
is what the PAD demands for months.

summarize the facts:
few months ago, the PAD occupies Governement House to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Samak. He is good but is ejected by a court because he had paid work at the same time as his prime minister.

The successor, Somchai, not their taste either. It must be said that as Thaksin's brother-it's hard to believe that he has no connection with the former leader abhorred by the PAD. The continuation of the Shred "Government House does not bring anything other than episodic violence against protesters.
They eventually to occupy the 2 airports Bangkok.

Again, the situation remains blocked. All the actors seem to lack a rare (or only a Machiavellian very difficult to drill) ... and again, the answer comes from justice who, having completed its course, eventually get what the CSA has failed to provoke, despite 300 000 stranded tourists and announced an economic catastrophe.

The PAD will'm declaring victory, they are, in my view, shot in the foot. They have nothing to do in this recall. At worst they have forced the court to expedite the pace, but this solution was long anticipated, the evidence is overwhelming.

The result is that it will take more than 10 days to completely restart the airport. This must be thoroughly cleaned, inspected and ironing international inspections.

The PAD does not trust the "uneducated peasants" campaigns when it comes to voting. Where some would take their troubles patiently, trying to demonstrate the danger of populist, they preferred to try to bring yet another coup, which would have allowed them to take power suficient time to implement their "new policy" and amend the Constitution. This basically amounts to allocate a certain portion of the most important positions designated for the elite, not elected.
He did, for the moment, not achieved this unacknowledged.
Their popularity is not the highest, I doubt to see their scores improve in the next elections ...
What will they do?

The Thai are caught between two solutions not much brighter than the other one ... I'm not very optimistic.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Differences In Breast Soreness

A heavenly sign ... To change

Tonight, while Bangkok has its eyes turned skyward.
recent days, the sky is very clear on Bangkok ... and today Lalune, Venus and Jupiter have agreed to try to make us smile.

click to enlarge

The more observant will have noticed that the crescent moon is much more inclined than we ... This is due to the difference in latitude (we are very close to the equator, the sun shines so almost perpendicular to the ground).

Why Am I Feeling Irritated By A Close Friend

... salad

I'm tired of you talking about demos, tourists stranded and disaster economy.
So today, for a change, a little recipe of one of my favorite Thai dishes: the "Moo Laab (ลาบ หมู).
is a salad recipe from the north-eastern Thailand that found elsewhere in Laos.

bases of the plate are: mint, shallots, roasted rice and a spicy lemon and fish sauce.
"Moo" means "pork", but there are versions with chicken, beef etc ... Similarly, there may be variations on the vegetables.

But enough chatter, let the gross receipts, I repeat the comments after.

Laab Moo - for 2 persons:

click to enlarge
200g minced pork (No. 8 photo)
1 / 2 bouillon cube
3 small shallots (No. 4)
3 a.c. fish sauce (No. 9)
a.c. of 3 lime juice (No. 2)
2 a.c. of fried rice (No. 5)
a.c. brown sugar 1 (No. 7)
1 tsp chilli powder (No. 6)
3 sprigs mint (No. 3)
3 shoots to "Pak chi farang" (No. 1, see comments at the end of the recipe)

Boil water with the bouillon cube in a pan, cook the ground pork.
Book pork and let cool (one turn in the freezer is a good solution).

Chop "pak chi" and shallots, mixed with whole mint leaves and remaining ingredients in a bowl. Stir everything pretty much for the flavors to blend.

Add pork and stir some more.

Serve with rice.

Hey there ... Simplissime not?

The ingredients are really easy to find except:
  • toasted rice : Now we'll have to do it yourself. Just toast the rice in a dry pan (no oil or anything), until browned slightly. Then go to the blender to obtain a fine powder (which looks a little ground pepper). This is essential in the recipe, because it brings a nice crisp.
  • pak chi farang : except by going to a supermarket with the Asian picture, it's hard to find. As is the variable part of the recipe, even here. You can, for example, compensate by using a bit of arugula and a few basil leaves (it will bring some pleasant smell). Others put a little lemon.
In theory, the recipe is more spicy, feel free to adjust the amount of pepper.

What I find most interesting about this recipe is that it provides a basis for a lot of really nice variety of salads. I imagine, for example, replace meat with tomatoes. It must be delicious too.

I await the comments of those who have tried.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Join The Army With Hearing Loss


I am unfortunately forced to continue to address the political turmoil that is happening here. I would have preferred to deal with cultural issues more, but I'll save them for later hoping that it all resolves soon ...

The Bangkok Post has published the results of a survey confim that what I had described as regards the sense of Thais towards the crisis.

According to the survey, 76.5% of Thai are ashamed of their country's portrayal in the events currently underway.

65.1% feel less proud of their country if it turns violent confrontation (apparently, the few deaths that there have been too ... do not count)
92.3% think that the solution will be provided by agencies constitute justice.

But even more revealing: 58.4% do not want to side with one side or the other ...
is proof that these disorders are caused by gesticulating minorities and not the expression of a broad popular movement.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Large Gallstone Nerve Pain Leg

Intervention in progress?

The information is not worth much, given the propensity to local uproar.

Still, my school, located 50m from the PAD barricades installed around Government House has been evacuated around 15:00. The rumor is that the army is poised to intervene.

For now, I had no other information that could confirm that. The fact is that much of school children have a parent member, a large installed base is nearby. They are the ones who have passed the information.

It is cheap.
But if I had the scoop ...

In any case, I make a cross on my weekend in Vietnam, intervention or not, I do not see how things can return to normal by tomorrow noon.

For the rest, everything seems normal in Bangkok, I have to cross to get home.

The World is good summaries of the situation:


Thursday 17:45: Still nothing. Apart from a frenzy of speculation, which seems surprising even local newspapers. It speaks of "secret ultimatum" from the army for midnight tonight. We talk about pro-government protesters who try to get together and cons attack.
Rumours Rumours ...

Thursday 8:45 p.m. : Well, er ... nothing. Rumors continue to run. When everyone is aware of something before it happens, I tend not to believe it. The latest news is that the tangible government, meeting in Chiang Mai (showing awesome courage) ruled the 3 zones of events (around the 2 Airport and Government House) as being in "State of Emergency". Paving the way for police intervention. Protesters prepare for confrontation. It may very well not happen. In a burst of optimism, they passed the word to prepare a change of clothes (not yellow, the color chosen for their movement) to blend into the crowd.

Friday 8:30 : Nothing happened that night. Tension mounts, rumors continue to run but the two sides remain in their positions. An interesting forum this morning in "The Bangkok Post " which parallels the severity of acts of the PAD and the government's ineptitude. For even if the methods are wrong and the PSA are the country in an untenable position, the egocentrism Prime Minister (attached to his position he could transfer to a less controversial colleague) just adds fuel to the fire.
As a precaution, many offices were given leave to their employees today. Long weekend! Yippee!

3:00 p.m. Friday: It sounds like a poker game played by two poor lovers. The PAD is all about not much, and the Prime Minister who put small player (in his last press conference last night he talked about his trip to Peru, the proposed new street cleaning but not this he will do to solve the problem). Meanwhile tens of thousands of people remain trapped.
For the trouble, I'll go shopping. Got to

Saturday midnight : Still nothing, other than statements laughable. I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow we go to a "fair" Charity, I hope to take this opportunity to talk about lighter topics.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Where To Take Unused Insulin Syringes

I hope ... Le Grand Soir

Today, the PAD protesters continued to dissociate himself from the popular support to achieve their purposes ... Protesters in good basic obsessed with their problems, they decided to ch ... as many people as possible, and for that block the Bangkok International Airport.

Needless to say as a tourist destination as Thailand is a disaster. Larger world is now following anti-government in their wanderings.
Still, the damage is done, and the side of their basic strategy is matched only by their boundedness.

My presence at the wedding this Saturday in Saigon Darryl becomes very uncertain.
Nevertheless, I have a thought that can take that with more philosophy.

I hope that among the tens of thousands of tourists stranded and there is some station agents hooked on the crippling strike.

Whatever the reasons, a hostage is a hostage situation, ie the act of a despicable selfishness.

PS From the point of view a little more "practical", according to local analysts, the situation is not expected to last. "Measures" are considered in the coming hours. If you're about to go to Thailand, make sure with the company. Things evolve hour by hour. Hopefully everything to return to near normal by this weekend.
The fact of traveling in Thailand for the moment, I still consider that there is no particular risk from the moment you avoids areas of event (which remain extremely localized) . In fact, except if you follow the news or we try to fly, it is impossible to suspect that it happens something special here. The everyday life continues (ie caps, shopping, parties, weekends at the beach, etc. ...)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Edit Images With Quotes

will not be

The day is over ... and nothing has really changed.
The scenario that I foresaw this morning (see previous post) has actually taken place. Stock:
  • 18,000 demonstrators
  • few streets blocked
  • The Parliament session postponed

statements testostéronisées Latter-day benefits are as bellows. The police did everything to avoid violence, and escaped out beautifully. The PAD has beautiful declare victory, it is small because delaying a parliamentary session is a bit far from the target announced uprising.
Meanwhile, the party in pouoir which s'arqueboute on his election as "democratic" is as ridiculous as it is known that its dissolution will probably be announced in coming weeks to issue "vote buying". A very common allies of Thaksin, who often are doing well ... reforming a new party every dissolution.

So nothing new under the sun of November.
For if it is good news, it is the arrival of the dry season. The moisture is reduced, the storms are rare and almost morning free (everything is relative, of course, but it's nice).

AFP photo

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Forgot The Combo To My Brinks Lock

Latest Maps

Today manifestantsde opposition, the PAD, throw their cards in the last battle.
In recent weeks, tensions have been mounting between protesters and pro anti-government. However, the situation, it has not changed. Government House is always busy, and the Prime Minister still in place.

But the camp was the scene of nocturnal attacks becoming more frequent. Homemade bombs or grenades, repeatedly been launched in the camp at night. Often offensive, sometimes killing ... without the authors are clearly identified. What fuels all the rumors and increased the tension between the two camps.

Today, the CSA has decided to throw his cards in the battle and tries, with a march to parliament to initiate a grassroots movement whose magnitude will force the government to withdraw.
The next few hours will tell us what it is ... But I'm not very otimes about the success of their plan. Apart from clashes with protesters against, crashes and other annoyances, I think Thais are in their majority, to remain neutral as they are from ... forever.

This is also the main problem. The majority of Thai approve any use of violence and force, and really has no desire to do battle ... leaving the most excited of the two sides settle their affairs. This fatalism has led to this situation, and leave them there as long as "reasonable", which represent the true essence of this country, observers remain silent and resigned.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bob Punching Bag Toronto

Life in Black and White

This weekend, Thailand, and especially Bangkok experienced a rare event, which focused the attention of the entire nation.
This event, these are the royal funeral of Princess Galayani Vadhana, sister of King Bumibhol. Those who follow me on this blog will be surprised to see me about the funeral when I have not mentioned the death ... Is that it occurred on January 8, during its 84th year. Yes, there is no typo. It took place almost a year before the ceremony takes place.
is here, a mark of respect for the deceased.

The royal funeral is a rare event in Thailand, only 4 took place on the last 60 years. The popular enthusiasm that accompanied the event is striking ... even a little shocking for a French high in life satisfaction in having a country free of royalty to his shot guillotine.

I will pass details of the ceremony, which I followed only intermittently (a real marathon television broadcast automatically to all the national channels for 3 days). It was a sequence of processions in costumes sumptuous pageantry, parades in palanquins Glitter and Buddhist prayers and rituals very obscure to the layman.

At first glance, this is excessive and out of sync. Thailand, even if it suffers a major development, is not a rich country ... then spend 7 million euros for cremation only, not anything. Besides the hype preceding the event, close to brainwashing with his melodramatic documentary on the life of the princess, and the length of the ceremony (3 full days).

This is particularly beloved princess Thailand. Again, this may sound a bit exaggerated. It has actually pursued many charitable initiated by his mother, and contributed greatly to the promotion of culture, including music and French culture (yes) ... In short, a good person, but as there are many (and thankfully) in our world. In fact it's probably the contrast of her kindness and dedication prank with many of his relatives that makes it so popular. Apart from the King, his daughter and therefore his sister Princess, the other members of the royal family are known for their rather silly.

So putting and perspective that I managed to digest the magnitude of an event which a priori seemed presqu'indécent. The royal funeral is one of the only events on a national scale can bring the country together around a common idea. Exacerbates their exceptional involvement in the Thai event. Remember the bicentenary of the Revolution, or more recently the World Cup 98. Finally, is it more stupid to get together and do so much care for the funeral of a princess than a bunch of guys who typed better than another in a balloon?

The color of mourning is black. He was asked Thai wear black or white during these three days. Where exactly is reached the limit of my ability to open myself to another culture is the social pressure that was put on this kind of mark of respect "devices".
First, because they are not requested by the royal families, but rather imposed by those who wish to be well regarded, going into the bidding.
Thus, it was decided that in my school, wearing the colors of mourning would be made for 2 more weeks before the funeral ... And for all. Y I understood that, with all due respect, does not pay particular attention to the Princess.
It was also decided to close the bars restaurants etc. ... During the ceremony: no right to be indifferent.

short, instead of being interested in an event attracting my attention by the fervor and grandeur of the event, they tried to coerce me.
This is particularly unfortunate that these measures were not necessary. The Thai love their Princess.
But here there is this culture of "old" who decides what to do, and we must follow. You know me, immobility, j'adoooore ...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Can I Jack Off With A Uti


There are more and more people who visit this blog (even if I have time, just eased off, I apologize). It makes me very happy.
Especially as some leave comments very encouraging, and do not hesitate to lend their knowledge to my comments. It is the goal. I am far from rocket science, and I'm glad they are there to accompany me as and when I discovered this country.

Yet some may have deposited a message that I have not published on the site. I was forced to make such "censorship" because the authors had left their email in the message so that I contacted.
On this blog site, I can not edit comments, and I could not remove their email ... This is advice to all: Never leave your email and a forum or in the comments of a blog. It is visible to all, and "Robots" review the sites around the world looking for such places to collect them into lists that they then sell to spammers and other undesirables.

That said, this has highlighted the fact that I have nothing left ui allows you to easily contact me so private ...
The error is corrected, I created a special address:
If you have comments, questions or comments you want to remain "private", send them to me at this address.

careful though, I try to answer all, if you aidiez me a bit. For pity's sake, avoid the questions too vague, give as much detail so I can tell you whether or not I can help you. Such
mail (I have already received some similar):

"I'm looking to settle in Thailand.
What do you recommend?
Thank you.

elicits I share an answer:
"It depends.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

18 Years Old One-piece Swimsuit

Fleet, small Kratong

Yesterday was full moon day. To be more precise, the day of the 12th full moon of the lunar calendar Thai traditional.
This day is an opportunity one of the most celebrated festivals (but not holiday) in Thailand: Loy Kratong.

Loy means "float". Kratong is the name of a small raft, is traditionally a slice of banana trunk, which are stitched leaves and flowers to evoke the lotus flower. It also adds three sticks of incense and a candle. This
Kratong be deposited in the river during the day, with a little prayer and a vow. Tradition has it that if the candle is still lit while Kratong disappeared in the distance, then the wish will come true. The Thai
sometimes add some hair to Kratong, so that it outweighs the evil away, or a small piece to force a chance ... and the happiness of children who go fishing once in Kratong celebration ended.

The origin of this tradition dates back to a Hindu rite, during which the Ganges is thanked by lanterns to have provided life throughout the year. She then developed in Thailand during the 13th century. Becoming an opportunity to worship Buddha and to thank the water goddess Phra Mae Khongkha. The story also says that a young girl named Naang Noppamart had on this occasion, created the first banana Kratong in the form we know today. they were so beautiful that the King said this would be that we would now recognize, and made his favorite Naang.
Each year a beauty pageant is held, and the winner wins the title of "Queen Noppamart.

unrest preceding the night of Loy Kratong is really visible. People learn of your plans, and in the streets one sees the first vendors Kratong. It's a bit like thrush in the May 1 At the height of the festival, it's everywhere. Since the venderus professionals, Kratong calibrated to the real artists of the thing, to students who are trying to raise money for a school outing.
Some achievements are real glories. Only made of folded sheets and stitched flowers, we would almost heartbreaking to have to abandon the river.

The edge of the Chao Praya are stormed. It must be said that the city is not really organized around the River. There really is no stroll along the banks, but rather end up in streets that dead end. The best way then is to join one of the places a bit more "open" by boat, and to enjoy the movie: music bands, vendors and various parades of decorated boats.
The atmosphere is festive, and coincides with the return of dry conditions and almost free (that's two days that I have not turned the air conditioning ', even to sleep). However, it remains a little photogenic event. I expected to see the river lit candles, but the small size of these, and stirring the waters of the Chao Praya have quickly because of small lights, and only intermittently as you can see the rafts.

Others will make their Kratong in lakes, fountains and even swimming pools ... (See photo) is probably in the calmer waters they are the prettiest to watch ... But the goal remains to make from his troubles with them is more difficult in a closed basin.

Loy Kratong is one of those lovely holiday in Thailand. From a religious origin but ultimately more tinged poetry of ritual. I was told that Chiang Mai, the celebration was the opportunity release thousands of balloons into the sky lanterns ... The photos I've seen are magical. I try to go see it next year!