Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Creative Funny Sayings


It is now a year since I arrived in Thailand.
I've seen so much and so little time ...

The anniversary falls this year at the same time as the Chinese New Year. Very followed here because many Thai have Chinese origins.
This is an opportunity to review the past 12 months.

I learned a lot. It was the goal, and that contract completed. Learned about Thailand on Asia, their cultures, people ... but also about myself. I discovered
things I like here but also things that I dislike.

I come now to the point where my love for this country comes from frustration. Frustrating to see so many wasted opportunities for a country that could shine internationally far more than its beaches, smiles and pretty girls.
There was a time when, in France for example, students learned that some smaller Asian countries were taking flight. Thailand was among them. Today, the four dragons are Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Siam remained on the floor, clinging to the starting blocks.

I think that's the downside: we love a country, then we feel concerned ...

There are many things that do not work well here. And that does require a little willingness on the part of the right people to radically change everything. But now, among those things that seem to be the source of the blockage of Thai society, there is a very powerful illiberal law here that makes me speak in veiled terms.
The mere fact that I hesitate to express my thoughts into the public what this blog is intolerable to me and sufficient evidence that there is " something rotten in the Kingdom of Siam .
Maybe a little weak on my part, because if I do not think any of my opinions is wrong, I still prefer to abstain.

By cons, nothing prevents those who are interested to go for a ride on the net with simple keywords like "censorship in thailand" and come back to ask me questions by email ;-)
I followed, you will have read with great interest the events that marked the Thai political year of 2008.
I dug, read Searched information and gradually built my opinion. This will probably change, as my discovery of the country further, but I think I have managed to scrape the layer of varnish covering "Amazing Thailand".

On a slightly less serious, I enjoyed the Chinese New Year to go to Yaowarat (Chinatown) to attend shows and events planned for the festivities. It is also a rare opportunity to walk in the neighborhood of Bangkok without the constant stream of cars ... but mostly, you know me, it's the perfect opportunity to fill for the rumen Cheap!

新年 快乐!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Breast Growth And Diane 35


Today, as shown in the photo below, the day is exceptional.

No. Not because I'm up at 9:28 on a Sunday.
Look better: lower right, the outside temperature is 19.8 ° C.
The bar at 20 ° C been crossed, for the first time (to my knowledge) since I got here.

Yesterday was already pretty sweet, like 21-22 ° C. .. Some were released Thai pullovers, boots, scarves and even hats for their kids. Hilarious.

However, note that the north of Bangkok, especially in mountainous regions, temperatures regularly dip below 15 degrees C. .. It's stupid to say, but frankly it's good from time to time.

I have a little thought for all those left in the cold in France ... I know that you want to have had snow this winter!
Man: eternal unsatisfied.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What Does Staples Charge For Faxing

A History of forks and spoons

One of the first surprises of Thai cuisine has its utensils. Like me, you were expecting the famous baguettes, icon of the Asian kitchen ... But it is a fork and a spoon that decorate the table.

The surprise is such that it is not uncommon to see tourists "complain" and ask for chopsticks. The fork and spoon are not quite "exotic".

First, let's use these seats. It is different from us. In your right hand, take the spoon in the left hand fork. But the spoon is not there to replace the knife. In fact, the range is only used to grow food on the spoon, and the latter will be brought to the mouth.

One quickly realizes that the exercise we are not natural. It will tend to bite and eat with range, and we will make a little weird movements with the spoon. Of course, the situation is somewhat different for lefties, but this sort of licensed opponents do not deserve so much attention (just kidding !!!!... though)

The origins of the fork and spoon are western, you guessed it. Its introduction date seems he 16th century when the Kingdom of Siam was in constant commercial and cultural contact with Europe. King Narai sent his emissary Kosa Pan visit to Louis XIV at Versailles in 1686.

The Thai then resumed their account many culinary techniques from around the world (cooking stove, frying, Indian curries, etc. ...) and accommodating to their taste and depending on the ingredients they had.

It was the same for cutlery. Its use was diverted to accommodate the culinary tradition widespread in Asia rather than trying to serve food in "small" pieces, not requiring the use of knives. Without knife to push, we introduced the spoon ... Then, the preponderance of rice and sauce has had to plead for using the latter as the main instrument.
The failure to cut food, especially meat, once the table is a priori related to Buddhism. It is quite difficult to find a clear answer on the subject, especially because of the many schools and practices of Buddhism that exist. Eating meat is in most cases regarded as a necessity, but it is asked for restraint, humane treatment of animals and meat, prepared separately and not "manhandled" the plate in front of everyone ...

As for chopsticks, rest assured you will have the opportunity to use them. The Chinese have imported them together noodles, covered our front, and they are still used, especially for soups.

Soon I'll tell you about the story of a terrible ingredient but central to Thai cuisine: hot pepper.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

37 Weeks Pregnant And Stool Is Very Black Why

Tragic Christmas Eve

It seems that the news has been fairly widely discussed in France, enough to generate some concern about the progress of my evening of New Year

a nightclub in Bangkok, called Santika, caught fire shortly after the passage in 2009. The balance sheet is auj'ourd'hui than sixty people dead and about 200 wounded.

That evening, we were on Central World Plaza to watch the fireworks and the final statement. We declined the invitation received for the evening at Santika, where we went regularly, not too tempted by the rush of this kind of Eve club. It's a chance.

The Santika is about 500m from my home in the "Self Ekkamai", a street spot quite a few clubs and bars. The establishment is frequented by customers fairly affluent Thais and foreigners living in Thailand.
It features a large stage on which occur every night groups, and sometimes even international local stars at special evenings.
An acquaintance here regularly. I have not heard directly but it seems he family in England for the holidays.

The place was far from something dangerous or dilapidated. Nevertheless, it appears from the evidence and my vague memories, that the emergency exits were poorly reported. For though they existed, the heavy toll of the fire is a priori related to the crush that followed the onset of the disaster, customers all rushing towards the door, too small to alone, evacuate quickly the crowd.

Now, many questions remain to be elucidated. For example, how the fire started he said? It evokes pyrotechnics used on stage ...
But the biggest question is how this club have given permission to host the public if the emergency exits were poorly reported and / or undersized?
I fear that, unfortunately, we stop here to say that these issues were inadequate, ignoring the likely responsibility of the authorities to ensure safety. The scenario involving a small bribe to the inspector of fire safety would be for me no surprise.
is used here ...

I have spoken many times. Corruption at all levels and at all levels and cancer Thailand. Any policy measure, no democratic or economic progress will really advanced things as this system will remain.

The police, for example, are here become a kind of Mafia. Enforcing the law in most cases, but ready to overlook their own interests. These interests are financial (the small ticket 100 baht to avoid heavier fine to judicial harassment to extort up to the foreign "goose that lays golden eggs") or political (Taksin, former Prime Minister First flight was in police chief ... here it does not shock anyone).

the moment I managed not to participate in this system, even for trivial matters. I hope to continue.

This tragedy is an illustration of the terrible consequences that can have a simple little "arrangement".