Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is Healing Ringwormpink?

My name is Beer

One of the first difficulties encountered by teachers at the beginning of the year is the process of storing the names of students. The intellectual gymnastics is more difficult when teaching abroad, because names are often unknown.
In Thailand, this is especially true.

First, let us from the beginning.
Thais have a name and a surname, the latter being chosen by the parents. The choice of name is quite complex, because the main objective is "to bring good luck." Many here are very attentive to this kind of superstition, and rules for determining the "luck factor" of a name are very complex and their origins blurred.
Some letters are better than others, suffixes, prefixes and syllables without precise meaning, evoke happiness, money or happiness.
The names are manufactured by an assembly of his letters and words. It happens fairly regularly, so they are unique, or at least rare.

their side the names of families, mostly, was also produced in this way. Indeed, in Thailand, one can change his leisure name ... but also his family name. I had trouble finding an official confirmation, but what I said is that the procedure is more complicated than filling out a form and need not be justified as c is the case in France.
We can not choose any name, are proscribed names containing words relating to the royal family and all that is rude or insulting. That said, it leaves a lot of latitude.
confess that I have a little trouble imagining how governments are able to manage this puzzle ... Meanwhile, here safety, unemployment insurance etc. ... it is not.
This possible change of name so easily back to the time of King Rama VI who, to appease the tensions between the Thai and the huge Chinese community (established in Thailand for many generations), they were offered the opportunity to adopt Thai surnames.

The tendency is then to overbidding. We will stick as closely as possible syllables of good omen, history, where, to ensure a bit of luck.
An example is bone Olympic medalist Prapawadee Jaroenrattanatarakoon, which adopted this immense surname instead of "Junpim Kuntatean" just before the games. Although it has taken it seems.

The direct consequence of extending these names is that the Thai only use them for official documents. The rest of the time they use a nickname among friends, with family but also for industrial relations (the nickname is then simply associated with "Khun", meaning "Mr." or "Mrs.").
This also they change it. When they are small, it is given by the parents, but it may be a little embarrassing later (too young) so they will not hesitate to change it.
There are classics: "Nueng" means "A", is fairly regularly given to the first child. But these days, fashion is in English. Because it's cool.
I do not mean to give English names ... but to use English words that evoke something positive for the Thai.
The result can be quite surprising to see embarrassing or hilarious.
Some will then nicknamed "Boss," "Best" or "First" ... for fairly obvious reasons. There are also cute fictitious names: "Cookie," "Cartoon," "Pancake" ... and misfires: "Pee", "Beer", "Cutout" (??), "F-4" (???).

The palm rest for parents I have two twins in my class.

One is called "Play."
The other ...
... called "Pause"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Inexpensive Blank Silver Discs For Stamping

Move over where I put myself back

Bangkok is known for its chaotic traffic and congestion. Far from being usurped
, this reputation is, however, temper, especially in light of what we may encounter in some Mediterranean countries or even in some neighboring countries.

Most expatriates travel by public transport or taxi. It is more flexible, more practical, and generally cheaper.
But now, the car is a sign of social status extremely important here. As in France you say ... Maybe, but we do not play in the same court. When a Thai
got a job relatively well paid, it is expected to buy a car. It needs it or not has little importance.
My girlfriend must regularly explain to his colleagues that for now, it does not help, especially because it is faster and less expensive for her to take the Skytrain comfortable rather than burrow into the caps during peak hours.

The other drawback of the car, as in all cities, the parking lot. In Bangkok, however, the task is relatively easy for two reasons.
First, any building being built is designed with parking located in the first floors.
Second, even if the car proved a bit undersized (eg weekends in shopping malls), there is a habit that never ceases to amaze me.

The photo below illustrates perfectly the art of parking in effect here.

Yes, you've seen (including the bottom of the poto), we practice the triple line.

Such Situation in France will likely cause destructive frenzy:
"Get out of your car or mine before I released my bumper!"

None of this is happening here. It's a perfectly normal situation.
It turns out that the two lines of cars blocking the exit of those battles in gqrées are "mobile". People do not just shake the hand brake.

Arriving at his car, so he "just" push, one to one, the cars that block in order to reach a conclusion. All
gets stuck, parents, children, mothers, grandfathers, etc. ... It's a good opportunity to dredge: go spinning a helping hand to the pretty girl who tries to push a 4x4 gos perched on her high heels.

Because here, of course, we do not buy a Yaris or 207. "Too small, really not safe." They prefer large SUVs Chinese on board which it does not attach the belt.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sony Replacement Antenna


I'm back. After a month of silence, it is time to seize the initiative on this blog. I also apologize to the faithful for the little things they were able to put teeth into these last two months.
It happens that I got to a stage where the "discoveries" are becoming more scarce and more assimilation "inner" and therefore rather difficult to transcribe.
The storm has passed and cultural shocks I have not spent much in silence. Except maybe a few more negative shocks are inevitable (which culture could claim to perfection), but that does not correspond much to the tone of this blog and my desire to fight my grumpy French temperament.

worry, I decided to continue to support this blog, this time by attempting to pass phase is more explanatory and didactic than narrative. As I said before, the shocks are gone, but the understanding and assimilation are just beginning.

Soon, I try to help you (and thinking that this will require writing, to help myself) better understand the origins of certain traditions, practices, mindsets and habits ... and I'll try dusting a bit outdated advice found in guidebooks about attitudes to adopt in Thailand.

I also hope to avoid too much about the difficult political situation in which the country finds itself.
Events of April, I've experienced from France. And, as might be expected, were more than partial information. Quick to report the descent into violence ... but the next day unable to write a single line to say that everything was in order.
I will therefore, if necessary, to shed light on less sensationalist local news.

Finally, I will continue, and more frequently, to provide my "travel advisories". I even aggregating them into a printable pdf version is easy to take on vacation ... once the material is sufficient.

Good. I hope this program glad you and I promise to return very soon with articles, pictures and stories.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Telecommunication Valuation Methods

The Tektonik soon in Thailand? The fire extinguisher to laugh

I'm afraid I have to be caught up by one of French fashions that I was glad I left.
In fact, the list is quite long, but after prolonged inspection, it turns out that most of the stupidities from home find their equivalent here. (I will discuss at greater length another time).

In this case, I mean the Tektonik.
It seems that this is still not dead to us ...
Here we see the already slim and some cuts "mule". Dance has not yet taken, but be aware that the lack of musical innovation happens in Thailand comes from Korea. Now it looks like it is starting to take there.
The video below attest. These are apparently two actor-singers quite famous in Seoul (Are there specialists to confirm?).

Anyway, they look as stupid as ours.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Homemade Jack Off Toys Water Bottle

In the land of smile, he must be prepared for any dangerous excess joy (photo taken in a bus)

Otherwise, the U.S., they have that (W News Network. Sorry, it's in English):

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Palm Springs Gel Nail Salon

The story of chili

I forsake my blog a bit these days. I have a little less free time, and then the "discoveries" are, over time, a little more rare, obviously.

That said, it is an essential aspect of Thai culinary culture that I still have not addressed: the chili.

Much of the Thai dishes are spicy, and when they are, ignite the palate. And it's even harder to bear because, while you're drinking 3 liters of water to try to extinguish the fire, you will see that most Thai rajoutent pepper.

But where does this idea? How can we destroy so the taste of food and replace it with a burn?

First, the chili is not in the Thai food since time immemorial. The Portuguese and Spaniards, according to their explorations of the fifteenth and sixteenth century that brought the peppers: from South America they were trying to colonize to Asia, where Europeans settled the coptoirs business.
Chilli rained and perfectly suited to the climate, was quickly installed in the culinary habits of Thai, already accustomed to "mix" the cuisines from many surrounding countries.

Interest spice in the kitchen is obvious ... The existence of "spice up something" is in itself an explanation.
But from our point of view, that parsimony is right. Our kitchen is quite attached to the balance of flavors and accommodates poorly volcanic eruption caused by a very spicy dish. It is quite difficult to understand the craze, and even addiction to that feeling.
When I talk about addiction, I'm not kidding. There comes a point where some resent more food if it is not spicy. I know a lot of Thai that are in this case, and it's a safe bet that the same is true for countries like India or Mexico, large consumers of chili. The clearest evidence in Thailand, is the fact that fruit is sold with a small bag containing a mixture sugar, salt and pepper ... Strawberries chili is not bad but a bit surprising.

Research has been done on the subject. Why is it so some people like spicy food? They came to the conclusion that the pleasure experienced when eating spicy is comparable to that which can be made when a round coaster. They call it "controlled risk". Blight of pepper is similar to the feel of a real burn but causes no damage. As the roller coaster has the feeling of falling ... without the crash. Thus, small little, the body gets used to this feeling, it will not disappear, but will no longer be associated with danger.
For a taste for chili s'aqcuiert. Children here start gradually. Primary schools for example do not serve food spicy. The habit will come with time.
Did you enjoy the first glass of red wine you drank? Probably not. This is because these complex sensations require time.

Me too it took me some time. And after spending a year here, I'm able to enjoy eating spicy dishes enough (read: very spicy according to our scale franchouille) and survive well bodied dishes (not far from the nuclear to a neophyte).
I have not lost the taste for non-spicy dishes. In fact, researchers have shown, not used numbs the tongue, it just makes the pain bearable, if not significant.
Yes, it is not far from masochism ... but this kind of atitude "strange" occurs all the time. Look at the sports addicted to endorphins, the crazy extreme sports, adrenaline junkies.
The chili is a little "extreme sport" of the kitchen. With practice, you have less fear. For many, a little from time to time is enough. For others, there is never enough.

Oh, and also with the habit of the palace, has used the rest of the digestive system. I will pass the details, but it is obvious that the disappearance of heartburn and other are significant.

Practical Advice:
" Well all that's nice. I understand that if you're used to, it hurts less, but now, I, I come to Thailand on holiday in 1 month, and I will not stay more than two weeks, so how do I do? .
not panic. Here are some survival tips.

1. Prevention:
  • Learn the spicy and non spicy dishes. There are many dishes in Thailand perfectly delicious non-spicy. In such "safe haven", it is the "fried rice" ( kaow pad gai, kaw moo pad ), the "fried chicken (gai yang ) with sticky rice ( kaow niaow ), satay skewers or " pad thai" (generally, the sauces are separate pieces).
    short, a lot of dishes. All this will be illustrated with a small pronunciation guide, comments and level of spice ... when I have time.

  • In the case of " pad thai", it can happen that is served hot (yes, each in his recipe, like the cassoulet). Then the sentence to add that it saves the "Pett Mai" (I write about as you pronounce it). It means "not spicy" and they usually will listen. However, the dish can still be very hot after that. In fact, it depends on the number of tourists visiting the area. If the restaurant is very touristy, there are chances that the kitchen is already somewhat spicy. However, the small vendor deep in the street that almost never sees "farang" will conclude the "Mai Pett" unless you want a pound of pepper in your dish.

  • Sort ... Some dishes are served with big morcaux peppers. Including greens. Even some Thai leave them apart, because they are supposed to be "infused" in the dish. And do not be ashamed, you're not the first.
2. When it's too late, and there is a fire
  • If you're in a restaurant quite touristy (a to d that they speak English pretty well and that the customer is not really local), and you have specifically stated "Pett Nai" or "Not Spicy" then return the dish ... Kindly but firmly.

  • If you do not have the heart or the ability to return the dish, then know that water provides only very temporary solace. The most effective is milk "nhom" and rice "kaow.
    Small bracket "minute scientific": The burning sensation is due to capsaicin. It is not soluble in water, drink 3 liters of Evian soothe but let the "spicy" in the mouth. By cons, casein, found in dairy products off of the neuro-capsaicin receptor to "wash" the tongue and palate.

  • As you are probably all red and crying, my final advice is: watch your fingers. If you happen to have some spice on it and you rub your eyes, you'll remember it clean for a while.

  • Be patient ... The feeling dissipates rather quickly, in fact after 5 minutes, usually (but they seem looooooongues).
That's all for Today
I hope this will help you appreciate even more your future stay in Thailand!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Acuarium Pearls 2010

Thailand Travel Council. 3: A year already Clothing

Many things are very cheap in Thailand ... Among the bargains you can do in Bangkok, there are the clothes.
Shops, markets and "malls" offer all styles and prices, the more expensive (the same brands at home ...) to the ridiculously cheap.

Tips, so for maximum enjoyment.

1. Where to buy?
As I said, places are many. However, after a thorough investigation (for purposes of this Blog, of course), there are some places worth visiting, especially because of the high concentration of stores. Necessarily more convenient for the traveler planning a little tight.

  • MBK: station BTS National Stadium. A multi-storey mall, filled with small shops selling everything from t-shirts to evening dresses through the computer, leather goods and cosmetics. We get lost a bit easily, but there really good deals, especially for souvenirs.

  • Platinum station BTS Ratchatewi "then take a tuk-tuk and said" Platinum "(easy). Only 5 floors of clothes, bags and shoes. Frenzied buyers: providing a Valium beforehand.

  • Siam Square: Siam BTS Station (a contrast to Siam Paragon). A network of small streets which is what comes closest here to our "shopping". Clothes better than MBK and Platinum. More "fashion designers". The prices are really lower than at home.

  • Chatuchak (JJ) Station BTS Morchit. The "weekend market" (ie open only on weekends. Outside, the tiny covered walkways, it is better aprentas early morning to cool. Immense, labyrinthine, everything ... Is JJ just take time, because the organization is medium followed by section. Good place to buy clothes "relax" ...
2. What to Buy?

Here, it depends a lot of You, however, some tips: Do not take a ton of t-shirts and light clothing in your luggage. Allow room for just bring back and buy them on-site as and when needed. It is a good way to renew that part of the wardrobe on the cheap.

The girls here also find shoes and evening dresses for a good price. Not necessarily finish "indestructible" but we found pairs at 10 € which will bear very casual use.
What's great is the choice offered in this price range.

For men, it is unfortunately a bit more difficult. The men here are not big fans of fashion (and the warm climate offers fewer opportunities clothing). So we find here t-shirts, shorts, and shirts.
In fact, for men, I would recommend the solution "tailor" (see below)

WARNING: Thailand is also the kingdom of the copy. Know that our customs are particularly sensitive about this, and even more when it comes to French brand. In addition to the forfeiture, there is the risk of fines rather heavy. Do not buy "fake" (Dior, Louis Vuitton and others). It is sometimes frustrating, we would have bought the product if there was the horrible gold Chanel logo added to "do gender." It remains highly seller for many other nationalities. For us, it is avoided.

3. Negotiate?

Yes ... The price of clothes can be traded here. Less if you're a tourist, but a bit anyway. In general, Paut happen to have at least 10% discount, especially if you take several items.
To request a reduction ', say' Mai dai Lott? ".

4. The other solution: tailor-made.

As in most Asian countries, Indian tailors are dozens of shops on the main streets of major cities. In Bangkok, there are mainly surrounding neighborhood of Nana, Silom and Sathorn.
As a tourist, difficult to choose the good among the multitude. The best tailors are actually a bit hidden and focused on local customers. It will be almost impossible to find. Nevertheless, some tricks can make better use of cutters for tourists ", and get something very good for a good price, generally less than the ready to wear home.

  • Think about what you want before you come. They are very good when it comes to copy an existing design. Dresses, jackets, pants, blouses. Anything is possible, and if you come with a photo, the result will be better. "Worse" if the store that sells the dress of your dreams (at an astronomical price) will return. Take this, make a copy and return it to the store after your trip ....

  • For men, take your "favorite shirt". You can easily make duplicate, with the "bonus" of custom finishing.

  • Visit several shops before you decide. Ask lots of questions, make sure they are attentive to details that you provide. This is a sign that they will really you ask. In short, play competition between the many tailors around.

  • For shirts and suits, are, again, insistent. The first tissue that will be shown are the cheapest. Where they will do most of margins. Even if you like, do it hard. They keep their finest fabrics deeper into the store. That's where the matter becomes interesting for you, because in general they will not change the price of the shirt, even if the fabric is better. FYI, a man's shirt should be less than 1000 Baht (20 € ... yes yes ...)

  • level timing, they can work very quickly, if necessary, but we must always count as an intermediate step of "fitting" (fitting). Or 2 "fitting" for the more complicated things like suits or dresses. Look in your travel schedule if it sticks.
The problem of the custom is that once you've "tasted" is hard to find clothes ready to wear suit you. Especially if, like me, you're not quite "standard".

short, a little preparation and reflection corresponding to a prior to travel can really be paying.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Creative Funny Sayings


It is now a year since I arrived in Thailand.
I've seen so much and so little time ...

The anniversary falls this year at the same time as the Chinese New Year. Very followed here because many Thai have Chinese origins.
This is an opportunity to review the past 12 months.

I learned a lot. It was the goal, and that contract completed. Learned about Thailand on Asia, their cultures, people ... but also about myself. I discovered
things I like here but also things that I dislike.

I come now to the point where my love for this country comes from frustration. Frustrating to see so many wasted opportunities for a country that could shine internationally far more than its beaches, smiles and pretty girls.
There was a time when, in France for example, students learned that some smaller Asian countries were taking flight. Thailand was among them. Today, the four dragons are Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Siam remained on the floor, clinging to the starting blocks.

I think that's the downside: we love a country, then we feel concerned ...

There are many things that do not work well here. And that does require a little willingness on the part of the right people to radically change everything. But now, among those things that seem to be the source of the blockage of Thai society, there is a very powerful illiberal law here that makes me speak in veiled terms.
The mere fact that I hesitate to express my thoughts into the public what this blog is intolerable to me and sufficient evidence that there is " something rotten in the Kingdom of Siam .
Maybe a little weak on my part, because if I do not think any of my opinions is wrong, I still prefer to abstain.

By cons, nothing prevents those who are interested to go for a ride on the net with simple keywords like "censorship in thailand" and come back to ask me questions by email ;-)
I followed, you will have read with great interest the events that marked the Thai political year of 2008.
I dug, read Searched information and gradually built my opinion. This will probably change, as my discovery of the country further, but I think I have managed to scrape the layer of varnish covering "Amazing Thailand".

On a slightly less serious, I enjoyed the Chinese New Year to go to Yaowarat (Chinatown) to attend shows and events planned for the festivities. It is also a rare opportunity to walk in the neighborhood of Bangkok without the constant stream of cars ... but mostly, you know me, it's the perfect opportunity to fill for the rumen Cheap!

新年 快乐!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Breast Growth And Diane 35


Today, as shown in the photo below, the day is exceptional.

No. Not because I'm up at 9:28 on a Sunday.
Look better: lower right, the outside temperature is 19.8 ° C.
The bar at 20 ° C been crossed, for the first time (to my knowledge) since I got here.

Yesterday was already pretty sweet, like 21-22 ° C. .. Some were released Thai pullovers, boots, scarves and even hats for their kids. Hilarious.

However, note that the north of Bangkok, especially in mountainous regions, temperatures regularly dip below 15 degrees C. .. It's stupid to say, but frankly it's good from time to time.

I have a little thought for all those left in the cold in France ... I know that you want to have had snow this winter!
Man: eternal unsatisfied.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What Does Staples Charge For Faxing

A History of forks and spoons

One of the first surprises of Thai cuisine has its utensils. Like me, you were expecting the famous baguettes, icon of the Asian kitchen ... But it is a fork and a spoon that decorate the table.

The surprise is such that it is not uncommon to see tourists "complain" and ask for chopsticks. The fork and spoon are not quite "exotic".

First, let's use these seats. It is different from us. In your right hand, take the spoon in the left hand fork. But the spoon is not there to replace the knife. In fact, the range is only used to grow food on the spoon, and the latter will be brought to the mouth.

One quickly realizes that the exercise we are not natural. It will tend to bite and eat with range, and we will make a little weird movements with the spoon. Of course, the situation is somewhat different for lefties, but this sort of licensed opponents do not deserve so much attention (just kidding !!!!... though)

The origins of the fork and spoon are western, you guessed it. Its introduction date seems he 16th century when the Kingdom of Siam was in constant commercial and cultural contact with Europe. King Narai sent his emissary Kosa Pan visit to Louis XIV at Versailles in 1686.

The Thai then resumed their account many culinary techniques from around the world (cooking stove, frying, Indian curries, etc. ...) and accommodating to their taste and depending on the ingredients they had.

It was the same for cutlery. Its use was diverted to accommodate the culinary tradition widespread in Asia rather than trying to serve food in "small" pieces, not requiring the use of knives. Without knife to push, we introduced the spoon ... Then, the preponderance of rice and sauce has had to plead for using the latter as the main instrument.
The failure to cut food, especially meat, once the table is a priori related to Buddhism. It is quite difficult to find a clear answer on the subject, especially because of the many schools and practices of Buddhism that exist. Eating meat is in most cases regarded as a necessity, but it is asked for restraint, humane treatment of animals and meat, prepared separately and not "manhandled" the plate in front of everyone ...

As for chopsticks, rest assured you will have the opportunity to use them. The Chinese have imported them together noodles, covered our front, and they are still used, especially for soups.

Soon I'll tell you about the story of a terrible ingredient but central to Thai cuisine: hot pepper.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

37 Weeks Pregnant And Stool Is Very Black Why

Tragic Christmas Eve

It seems that the news has been fairly widely discussed in France, enough to generate some concern about the progress of my evening of New Year

a nightclub in Bangkok, called Santika, caught fire shortly after the passage in 2009. The balance sheet is auj'ourd'hui than sixty people dead and about 200 wounded.

That evening, we were on Central World Plaza to watch the fireworks and the final statement. We declined the invitation received for the evening at Santika, where we went regularly, not too tempted by the rush of this kind of Eve club. It's a chance.

The Santika is about 500m from my home in the "Self Ekkamai", a street spot quite a few clubs and bars. The establishment is frequented by customers fairly affluent Thais and foreigners living in Thailand.
It features a large stage on which occur every night groups, and sometimes even international local stars at special evenings.
An acquaintance here regularly. I have not heard directly but it seems he family in England for the holidays.

The place was far from something dangerous or dilapidated. Nevertheless, it appears from the evidence and my vague memories, that the emergency exits were poorly reported. For though they existed, the heavy toll of the fire is a priori related to the crush that followed the onset of the disaster, customers all rushing towards the door, too small to alone, evacuate quickly the crowd.

Now, many questions remain to be elucidated. For example, how the fire started he said? It evokes pyrotechnics used on stage ...
But the biggest question is how this club have given permission to host the public if the emergency exits were poorly reported and / or undersized?
I fear that, unfortunately, we stop here to say that these issues were inadequate, ignoring the likely responsibility of the authorities to ensure safety. The scenario involving a small bribe to the inspector of fire safety would be for me no surprise.
is used here ...

I have spoken many times. Corruption at all levels and at all levels and cancer Thailand. Any policy measure, no democratic or economic progress will really advanced things as this system will remain.

The police, for example, are here become a kind of Mafia. Enforcing the law in most cases, but ready to overlook their own interests. These interests are financial (the small ticket 100 baht to avoid heavier fine to judicial harassment to extort up to the foreign "goose that lays golden eggs") or political (Taksin, former Prime Minister First flight was in police chief ... here it does not shock anyone).

the moment I managed not to participate in this system, even for trivial matters. I hope to continue.

This tragedy is an illustration of the terrible consequences that can have a simple little "arrangement".